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Time range comparison

Scenes come with SceneTimeRangeCompare object that allows running a SceneQueryRunner queries with a time range that is different from the one provided by SceneTimeRange object. With SceneTimeRangeCompare object you can set what comparison time window you want your queries to be performed against. This allows data from a second time range to be shown on a visualization.

Use SceneTimeRangeCompare in a Scene

  1. Create a scene with time range and query runner

Start by creating a scene that contains a SceneTimeRange and a SceneQueryRunner:

const queryRunner = new SceneQueryRunner({
datasource: {
type: 'prometheus',
uid: 'gdev-prometheus',
queries: [
refId: 'A',
expr: 'rate(prometheus_http_requests_total{}[5m])',

const scene = new EmbeddedScene({
$data: queryRunner,
$timeRange: new SceneTimeRange({ from: 'now-5m', to: 'now' }),
body: new SceneFlexLayout({
direction: 'row',
children: [
new SceneFlexItem({
width: '50%',
height: 300,
body: PanelBuilders.timeseries().setTitle('Panel using global time range').build(),
  1. Add time picker to scene controls

Use SceneTimePicker object to display and control time range of a scene:

const scene = new EmbeddedScene({
$data: queryRunner,
$timeRange: new SceneTimeRange({ from: 'now-5m', to: 'now' }),
controls: [new SceneTimePicker({})]
body: new SceneFlexLayout({
direction: 'row',
children: [
new SceneFlexItem({
width: '50%',
height: 300,
body: PanelBuilders.timeseries().setTitle('Panel using global time range').build(),
  1. Add time window comparison picker to scene controls

Create a SceneTimeRangeCompare scene object and add it next to SceneTimePicker in scene's controls:

const scene = new EmbeddedScene({
$data: queryRunner,
$timeRange: new SceneTimeRange({ from: 'now-5m', to: 'now' }),
controls: [new SceneTimePicker({}), new SceneTimeRangeCompare({})],
body: new SceneFlexLayout({
direction: 'row',
children: [
new SceneFlexItem({
width: '100%',
height: '100%',
body: PanelBuilders.timeseries().setTitle('Panel using global time range').build(),

A time frame comparison picker should be shown next to time range picker. Enable time range comparison by clicking on the Time frame comparison checkbox and pick time window to compare the currently selected time range with.

Customize style of a comparison series

You can customize the style of a comparison series rendered on a visualization by configuring overrides. Use matchComparisonQuery(queryRefId: string) matcher to target comparison query results:

const queryRunner = new SceneQueryRunner({
datasource: {
type: 'prometheus',
uid: 'gdev-prometheus',
queries: [
refId: 'MyQuery',
expr: 'rate(prometheus_http_requests_total{}[5m])',

const panelShowingComparisonSeries = PanelBuilders.timeseries()
.setOverrides((b) =>
mode: 'fixed',
fixedColor: 'red',

Source code

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