
Legal and Security › Plugins

Plugins policy

This document governs the offering of plugins for use with Grafana - whether such usage is in connection with open source Grafana, third-party managed Grafana, Grafana Enterprise or Grafana Cloud. For terms regarding the usage of a specific plugin, refer to the type of plugin and any applicable OSS license or commercial terms that may be associated thereto.

All plugins need to be cryptographically signed in order to be accessible by users. The purpose is to improve the security, quality, and reliability of the plugin ecosystem, while also helping Grafana Labs build a sustainable open source business around Grafana.

Plugin publishing and signing criteria

Grafana plugins must adhere to the following criteria when being reviewed for publishing and signing.

Grafana Labs reserves the right to decline or remove any plugin at its discretion. Failure to comply with publishing and signing criteria may result in immediate removal from the Grafana plugin catalog.

What are the different classifications of plugins?

A plugin’s signature level depends on its author, related technology or intended use.

Signature LevelPaid Subscription Required to Sign?Description
Free of charge
Private plugins are for use on your own Grafana instance.

They may not be shared to the Grafana community or to your customers, and are not published in the Grafana catalog.

Private plugins are not compatible with Grafana Cloud.
Free of charge
Community plugins contain dependent technologies that are open source and/or not for profit. Not commercial in nature and not affiliated with any commercial endeavor.

Community plugins are published to the official Grafana catalog, and are available to the Grafana community for direct installation.

Support is provided by the individual developer and/or community.

Compatible with Grafana Cloud.
Commercial Plugin Subscription required
Commercial plugins are offered in connection with a commercial offering, commercial dependencies or offered by a for-profit business. They contain dependent technologies that are closed source or commercially backed (even if open source at their core).

Commercial plugins are published to the official Grafana catalog, and are available to the Grafana community for direct installation.

These plugins are partner-developed and support is provided by the partner.

Compatible with Grafana Cloud.
GrafanaNot applicable; authored by Grafana LabsGrafana plugins are built and offered exclusively by Grafana Labs.

Supported by Grafana Labs.

Compatible with Grafana Cloud.
EnterpriseNot applicable; authored by Grafana LabsEnterprise plugins are built and offered exclusively by Grafana Labs.

Use of Enterprise plugins is governed by the terms of our Master Services Agreement or other written, mutually agreed licensing terms between Grafana Labs and the end user.

Supported by Grafana Labs.

Compatible with Grafana Cloud.


  1. Plugins may be denied signing and/or publishing for any of the following reasons:
    1. Forking of an existing plugin or creating derivative works.
    2. Misuse of code (see plugin policy and guidelines).
    3. Embedding multiple plugins into a single plugin.
    4. Duplication of an existing plugin - including Grafana Enterprise plugins.
    5. Relies on a specific environment and could not be deployed to others’ - including Grafana’s - instances.
    6. Niche use case or of limited value to broader community.
    7. For any other reason at the sole discretion of Grafana Labs.
  2. Grafana Labs manages its plugin catalog. You may not create a separate public plugin catalog involving or relating to Grafana Labs or its offerings.
  3. Grafana Labs reserves the right to deny signing and/or publishing of a plugin due to non-compliance with plugin policy, community terms of service, or plugin guidelines.

Note: Distributed plugins that are not included in the catalog still require a signing subscription

Accepted licenses

Plugins must be licensed under one of the following AGPL compliant licenses for publishing to the Grafana plugin catalog:

  • AGPL-3.0
  • Apache-2.0
  • BSD
  • GPL-3.0
  • LGPL-3.0
  • MIT

If contributing a plugin on behalf of an organization, be sure to seek guidance from your legal team.

Privacy and security

  • Plugins cannot collect usage or user information. Violations of this include but are not limited to:
    • Directly collecting installation and user statistics
    • Sending data to 3rd parties for analytics purposes
    • Embedding tracking code
  • Data at rest: Sensitive data, such as credentials and user information, must be encrypted using industry standards.
    • Use secureJsonData to store data source credentials
    • Secrets cannot be stored in panel options
  • Data transmission: secure methods that meet industry standard encryption levels should be used, such as Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) or Transport Layer Security (TLS)
  • Abuse: plugins should not perform actions beyond the scope of the intended use.
    • Do not include hidden files
    • Do not manipulate the underlying environment, privileges, or related processes

Right to use and proper crediting

Usage of 3rd party software or dependencies within the plugin must be licensed for the intended use. For example, use of open source dependencies must be clearly listed and properly credited, and you must have rights to use any embedded logos or trademarks.

How to sign a plugin

Your ability and process for signing a plugin will depend on which classification of plugin is in question. We provide documentation to guide you through the signing and publishing process.

To discuss the signing of a commercial plugin, please contact

Community signed plugins must meet the following additional prerequisites in order to be reviewed and published:

  1. Technology must be available for testing.
  2. Plugin must already exist in a public Git repository.

Contact us

To learn more, inquire by contacting us or email

Last updated 2023