Plugins 〉Sidewinder
The Sidewinder plugin has been deprecated and is no longer maintained.
Sidewinder Grafana Datasource
Grafana Datasource for Sidewinder Time Series Database
About Sidewinder
Sidewinder is an open source fast time series database designed for real-time analytics. It can be used for a variety of usage cases that need storage of metrics data like APM and IoT. You can learn more about Sidewinder at or
How to build?
To build this plugin:
git clone
cd sidewinder-grafana
npm -g install yarn; yarn install; npm run build
cp -r ./dist /var/lib/grafana/plugins/sidewinder
on Linux
How to use?
Make sure you have deployed Sidewinder and have the REST URL available. By default Sidewinder runs on port 8080
Create Datasource
To create a new Sidewinder Grafana datasource:
- open Grafana
- Click Grafana Icon->Data Sources
- Click Add data source
- Give the data source a name
- Select Type to Sidewinder
- Provide the Url to http://sidewinder-host:sidewinder-port/database-name
- Leave Access to proxy
- [Optional] Configure Basic Auth if authentication is enabled on Sidewinder
- Click Add
Note: If you don't have a database created, you can use the _internal database used to store DB's performance metrics
Here's how an example data source should look like:
Create a Query Visually
Sidewinder support visual query building using an editor. There is support for auto-complete for all non-numeric fields (Measurement, Value Field, Tags). Please refer to Sidewinder data model to understand the significance of different concepts.
Note: As of plugin version 0.2.0, Tag Key Value support is added to the Grafana plugin. Sidewinder version 0.0.38+ is needed for Key Value support
Here's how an example Visual Query should look like:
Create a Query using TSQL
You can also use the Time Series Query Language to create panels. Please note that because Grafana provides the time ranges, you can't provide start and end time in the TSQL string. Please refer to the docs for more details on TSQL.
Here's how an example TSQL Query should look like:
Create Templates
Because Sidewinder supports TSQL, grafana templated dashboards can be created. You can create auto-complete suggestions for variables:
- For FIELD name suggestion simply type
in the "metric name or tag query field" - For TAG suggestion simply type
in the "metric name or tag query field"
Here's how an example Templated Dashboard should look like:
Grafana Cloud Free
- Free tier: Limited to 3 users
- Paid plans: $55 / user / month above included usage
- Access to all Enterprise Plugins
- Fully managed service (not available to self-manage)
Self-hosted Grafana Enterprise
- Access to all Enterprise plugins
- All Grafana Enterprise features
- Self-manage on your own infrastructure
Grafana Cloud Free
- Free tier: Limited to 3 users
- Paid plans: $55 / user / month above included usage
- Access to all Enterprise Plugins
- Fully managed service (not available to self-manage)
Self-hosted Grafana Enterprise
- Access to all Enterprise plugins
- All Grafana Enterprise features
- Self-manage on your own infrastructure
Grafana Cloud Free
- Free tier: Limited to 3 users
- Paid plans: $55 / user / month above included usage
- Access to all Enterprise Plugins
- Fully managed service (not available to self-manage)
Self-hosted Grafana Enterprise
- Access to all Enterprise plugins
- All Grafana Enterprise features
- Self-manage on your own infrastructure
Grafana Cloud Free
- Free tier: Limited to 3 users
- Paid plans: $55 / user / month above included usage
- Access to all Enterprise Plugins
- Fully managed service (not available to self-manage)
Self-hosted Grafana Enterprise
- Access to all Enterprise plugins
- All Grafana Enterprise features
- Self-manage on your own infrastructure
Grafana Cloud Free
- Free tier: Limited to 3 users
- Paid plans: $55 / user / month above included usage
- Access to all Enterprise Plugins
- Fully managed service (not available to self-manage)
Self-hosted Grafana Enterprise
- Access to all Enterprise plugins
- All Grafana Enterprise features
- Self-manage on your own infrastructure
Installing Sidewinder on Grafana Cloud:
Installing plugins on a Grafana Cloud instance is a one-click install; same with updates. Cool, right?
Note that it could take up to 1 minute to see the plugin show up in your Grafana.
Installing plugins on a Grafana Cloud instance is a one-click install; same with updates. Cool, right?
Note that it could take up to 1 minute to see the plugin show up in your Grafana.
Installing plugins on a Grafana Cloud instance is a one-click install; same with updates. Cool, right?
Note that it could take up to 1 minute to see the plugin show up in your Grafana.
Installing plugins on a Grafana Cloud instance is a one-click install; same with updates. Cool, right?
Note that it could take up to 1 minute to see the plugin show up in your Grafana.
Installing plugins on a Grafana Cloud instance is a one-click install; same with updates. Cool, right?
Note that it could take up to 1 minute to see the plugin show up in your Grafana.
Installing plugins on a Grafana Cloud instance is a one-click install; same with updates. Cool, right?
Note that it could take up to 1 minute to see the plugin show up in your Grafana.
Installing plugins on a Grafana Cloud instance is a one-click install; same with updates. Cool, right?
Note that it could take up to 1 minute to see the plugin show up in your Grafana.
For more information, visit the docs on plugin installation.
Installing on a local Grafana:
For local instances, plugins are installed and updated via a simple CLI command. Plugins are not updated automatically, however you will be notified when updates are available right within your Grafana.
1. Install the Data Source
Use the grafana-cli tool to install Sidewinder from the commandline:
grafana-cli plugins install
The plugin will be installed into your grafana plugins directory; the default is /var/lib/grafana/plugins. More information on the cli tool.
Alternatively, you can manually download the .zip file for your architecture below and unpack it into your grafana plugins directory.
Alternatively, you can manually download the .zip file and unpack it into your grafana plugins directory.
2. Configure the Data Source
Accessed from the Grafana main menu, newly installed data sources can be added immediately within the Data Sources section.
Next, click the Add data source button in the upper right. The data source will be available for selection in the Type select box.
To see a list of installed data sources, click the Plugins item in the main menu. Both core data sources and installed data sources will appear.