Plugins 〉Cubism Graph


Matthieu Patou

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Cubism Graph

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Cubism graph

A panel to display cubism like graph in grafana.

Overview / Introduction

Cubism is a way of representing information dense graphs in a limited amount of spaces, let's imagine you want to display the volume of 5xx errors that you are facing for each of the regions of your cloud provider.

The goto way is to do a regular graph with one serie per region, but if the volume are different across region you might be missing out something happening on lower volume region.

Cubism graph solve that by giving each serie its own horizon and by representing the increase of the metric by a darker color, if all of a sudden the region A is getting much darker you know right away that something is happening there.

Something similar to this graph:

cubism graph


Grafana 10.3 is required to install this plugin.

Getting Started

  1. Create a new visualization widget
  2. Create the query that you want to display
  3. On the right hand side click on time series and search for Cubism graph

And you should get a cubism graph.


The plugin support the following settings

Let Cubism calculate the extents automatically

Extents (maximum and minimum) correspond to the highest (respectively lowest) value associated with the darkest color, then the range between 0 and this value is divided in 5 bands each associated with a progressively darker color. By default cubism figures out the highest (resp. lowest) value in each serie if this setting is enabled. Disabling it allows you to set mininum value of the extent and the maximum one, those settings are accross all the series in the graph. Obviously any value that is above the maximum extent will still be represented in the darkest color, for instance setting the maximum to 100 will create 5 bands (0-20, 21-40, 41-60, 61-80, 81-100) and so a value of 200 would have the same color than 81 or 99.

Bottom label

Allows you to display a text at the bottom of the graph. This is your moment to be creative !

Data Links

As for other graphs you can create multiple links and use variables, currently only {__field.labels} variables are supported. Although you can create multiple links only the first one is used, see Zooming to see more.


Cubism graphs support zooming but not the traditional way other graph support it, there is little value to visualize a 15 minutes slice of a 3 hours graph in the cubism graph. Cubism graphs are meant to give you a bird eye view, and quickly notice that something is wrong but then from there you want to dive to analyze what's the root cause of the problem.

That's why zooming in cubism graph uses the first data link defined on the graph (others are ignored) and will open the link as a way of diving into a particular issue, it will uses the labels associated with the serie (ie. instance, hostname, app_name, ...) to replace variables that are defined on the url of the data link.


Look at the grafanacubism-panel project on Github to see how you can help

Installing Cubism Graph on Grafana Cloud:

For more information, visit the docs on plugin installation.


0.0.1 (Unreleased)

Initial release. Add support for a recent version of cubism (cubism-es).