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About Grafana Mimir ingester circuit breakers

You can use circuit breakers to prevent an application from repeatedly trying to run an operation that is likely to fail. A circuit breaker monitors the number of recent failures and then uses this information to decide whether to allow a new operation to proceed, or to simply return an exception immediately. In the case of a failing operation, a circuit breaker allows an application to proceed, without waiting for you to resolve the failure cause. Because the failing operation is immediately rejected, the application doesn’t retry it. This reduces the application’s CPU usage.

The circuit breaker pattern operates in three states: closed, open, and half-open.

  • In the closed state, a circuit breaker operates normally, forwarding all requests to the application it protects.
  • In the open state, the circuit breaker immediately stops forwarding requests to the failing application, effectively isolating it.
  • After a specified timeout period in the open state, the circuit breaker transitions to the half-open state, where it forwards a limited number of trial requests to the application and monitors their execution. Successful trial requests indicate application recovery, and the circuit breaker transitions back to the closed state. Failing trial requests indicate that the issues persist, and the circuit breaker transitions back to the open state.

How do Grafana Mimir Ingester circuit breakers work?

A request to a resource protected by a circuit breaker follows these steps:

  1. The request tries to acquire a circuit breaker permit.
  2. If the circuit breaker is open, no permit is acquired, and the request fails with a circuit breaker open error.
  3. Otherwise, the request acquires a circuit breaker permit and runs.
  4. If the request meets the circuit breaker’s failure condition, the circuit breaker records a failure. Otherwise, the circuit breaker records a success.

Depending on the configured frequencies of successes and failures, the circuit breaker transits from one state to another.


Grafana Mimir ingester circuit breakers are an experimental feature. They independently protect Mimir’s write and read paths from slow requests. They don’t protect ingesters from other issues.

More precisely, Grafana Mimir ingesters distinguish between push requests circuit breakers and read requests circuit breakers, and you can configure them independently. It is possible to configure the maximum allowed duration of both push and read requests, as well as the highest frequency of the slow requests before the circuit breakers open and start protecting the ingesters.

Push requests circuit breakers

A push request meets the push requests circuit breaker failure condition if its duration is longer than the configured maximum push request duration.

Read requests circuit breakers

Read requests circuit breakers follow these conditions:

  • In order to protect the write path as much as possible, ingesters do not allow read push requests if their push circuit breakers are open. This means that before an ingester tries to acquire a read circuit breaker permit, it first checks if its push circuit breaker is open. If it’s open, a circuit breaker open error is returned. Otherwise, the ingester tries to acquire a read requests circuit breaker permit.
  • A read request that acquires a read requests circuit breaker permit meets the read requests circuit breaker failure condition if its duration is longer than the configured read request maximum duration.

Configure Grafana Mimir ingester circuit breakers

To enable Grafana Mimir ingester push and read circuit breakers, set -ingester.push-circuit-breaker.enabled=true and You can enable the circuit breakers independently. Enabling one of them does not require enabling the other one.

When enabled, push and read circuit breakers come with some default configurations. For example, the percentage of failing requests is computed over a moving window of one minute (1m). To change these configurations, set -ingester.push-circuit-breaker.thresholding-period or to your desired values.

The default percentage of push and pull requests that can fail over the configured moving window before the corresponding circuit breaker opens is 10% (10). You can set a different percentage via the -ingester.push-circuit-breaker.failure-threshold-percentage and flags.

After a circuit breaker reaches the open state, it waits 10 seconds (10s) before it transitions to the half-open state and allows trial requests. You can change these waiting times via the -ingester.push-circuit-breaker.cooldown-period and flags.

Grafana Mimir ingester push and read circuit breakers come with a default configuration for the maximum duration of a request before it triggers a timeout. The default values are two seconds (2s) for push requests, and thirty seconds (30s) for read requests. You can configure these settings via the -ingester.push-circuit-breaker.request-timeout and settings. Circuit breakers use these timeouts internally and never report them as errors.

Grafana Mimir Ingester circuit breakers metrics

Grafana Mimir ingester circuit breakers add several metrics, which aren’t part of any API guarantee and can be changed at any time.

  • cortex_ingester_circuit_breaker_transitions_total: Counter showing the number of times a circuit breaker enters a state. It contains the labels state, with possible values of closed, open, and half-open, and the request_type setting , with possible values of push and read.

  • cortex_ingester_circuit_breaker_results_total: Counter showing the results of executing requests via a circuit breaker. It contains lables result, with possible values of success, error, and circuit_breaker_open, and the request_type setting, with possible values of push and read.

  • cortex_ingester_circuit_breaker_request_timeouts_total: Counter showing the number of times the circuit breaker records a request that reaches timeout. It contains the request_type label, with possible values of push and read.

  • cortex_ingester_circuit_breaker_current_state: Gauge set to 1 when the circuit breaker is in a state corresponding to the label name. It contains the labels state, with possible values of closed, open, and half-open, and the request_type setting with possible values of push and read.