
This is documentation for the next version of Loki. For the latest stable release, go to the latest version.

Open source

Install Loki with Docker or Docker Compose

You can install Loki and Promtail with Docker or Docker Compose if you are evaluating, testing, or developing Loki. For production, Grafana recommends installing with Helm or Tanka.

The configuration files associated with these installation instructions run Loki as a single binary.


Install with Docker on Linux

  1. Create a directory called loki. Make loki your current working directory:

    mkdir loki
    cd loki
  2. Copy and paste the following commands into your command line to download loki-local-config.yaml and promtail-docker-config.yaml to your loki directory.

    wget -O loki-config.yaml
    wget -O promtail-config.yaml
  3. Copy and paste the following commands into your command line to start the Docker containers using the configuration files you downloaded in the previous step.

    docker run --name loki -d -v $(pwd):/mnt/config -p 3100:3100 grafana/loki:3.4.1 -config.file=/mnt/config/loki-config.yaml
    docker run --name promtail -d -v $(pwd):/mnt/config -v /var/log:/var/log --link loki grafana/promtail:3.4.1 -config.file=/mnt/config/promtail-config.yaml


    The image is configured to run by default as user loki with UID 10001 and GID 10001. You can use a different user, specially if you are using bind mounts, by specifying the UID with a docker run command and using --user=UID with a numeric UID suited to your needs.

  4. Verify that your containers are running:

    docker container ls

    You should see something similar to the following:

    CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                    COMMAND                  CREATED              STATUS              PORTS                                       NAMES
    9485de9ad351   grafana/promtail:3.4.1   "/usr/bin/promtail -…"   About a minute ago   Up About a minute                                               promtail
    cece1df84519   grafana/loki:3.4.1       "/usr/bin/loki -conf…"   About a minute ago   Up About a minute>3100/tcp, :::3100->3100/tcp   loki
  5. Verify that Loki is up and running.

    • To view readiness, navigate to http://localhost:3100/ready.
    • To view metrics, navigate to http://localhost:3100/metrics.

Install with Docker on Windows

  1. Copy and paste the following commands into your command line to download loki-local-config.yaml and promtail-docker-config.yaml to your loki directory. Note that you will need to replace the <local-path> in the commands with your local path.
cd "<local-path>"
wget -O loki-config.yaml
wget -O promtail-config.yaml
  1. Copy and paste the following commands into your command line to start the Docker containers using the configuration files you downloaded in the previous step. Note that you will need to replace the <local-path> in the commands with your local path.
docker run --name loki -v <local-path>:/mnt/config -p 3100:3100 grafana/loki:3.4.1 --config.file=/mnt/config/loki-config.yaml
docker run -v <local-path>:/mnt/config -v /var/log:/var/log --link loki grafana/promtail:3.4.1 --config.file=/mnt/config/promtail-config.yaml
  1. Verify that Loki is up and running.

    • To view readiness, navigate to http://localhost:3100/ready.
    • To view metrics, navigate to http://localhost:3100/metrics.

Install with Docker Compose

Run the following commands in your command line. They work for Windows or Linux systems.

  1. Create a directory called loki. Make loki your current working directory:

    mkdir loki
    cd loki
  2. Copy and paste the following command into your command line to download the docker-compose file.

    wget -O docker-compose.yaml
  3. With loki as the current working directory, run the following ‘docker-compose` command:

    docker-compose -f docker-compose.yaml up

    You should see something similar to the following:

    ✔ Container loki-loki-1      Started              0.0s
    ✔ Container loki-grafana-1   Started              0.0s
    ✔ Container loki-promtail-1  Started              0.0s
  4. Verify that Loki is up and running.

    • To view readiness, navigate to http://localhost:3100/ready.
    • To view metrics, navigate to http://localhost:3100/metrics.