Open source


Grafana Loki uses Semantic Versioning. The next version can be determined by looking at the current version and incrementing it. When the release is a new major version (for example, after 2.9.1 we decide to go 3.0.0 instead of 2.9.2) this should not be done.

You need to set two environmental values VERSION and VERSION_PREFIX to do the release process.


To determine the VERSION for a Stable Release or Patch Release, use the Semantic Version A.B.C.

  • Examples
    • For example, 2.9.0 is the Stable Release VERSION for the v2.9.0 release.
    • For example, 2.9.1 is the first Patch Release VERSION for the v2.9.0 release.

Version Prefix

To determine the VERSION PREFIX, use only the major and minor version A.B.x.

  • Examples
    • 2.9.x