Generate PDC signing token

In this step of your journey, you create a PDC signing token. The PDC agent uses the signing token to authenticate with your Grafana Cloud instance.

Did you know?

The system provides you with a default token name. You can choose to use that token, create one, or use an existing token.

To generate a PDC signing token, in the Use a PDC signing token section of Grafana Cloud, perform one of the following:

If you want toThen
Create a new token
  1. Click Create a new token.
  2. Enter a value in the Token name field.

    Make sure the token value is meaningful to you and something you’ll remember. For example, pdc-agent-prodUS.

  3. Click Create token.
Use an existing token
  1. Click Use an existing token.
  2. Enter a token you have created in the past.

    Note: The token name must begin with glc_.


If you are installing PDC agent on Kubernetes or Docker, you don’t need to install the binaries. Skip to Deploy PDC agent on a private network and test connection.