The advantages of private data source connect
The Grafana Labs PDC solution offers several advantages:
The monitoring and supervision of the SSH tunnel are delegated to an agent running inside your private network. At any time, you can shut off the agent, which terminates the connection. PDC is entirely within your control, since you deploy and manage the agent.
The agent running inside your private network is a horizontally scalable component to ensure fault-tolerance. This means you can deploy multiple agents within the same network, and Grafana Cloud load balances across them automatically.
Traffic is encrypted all the way from your Grafana Cloud stack to the SSH client running in your private network. If the private data source supports encryption (for example, HTTPS), traffic will be encrypted end-to-end.
In your Grafana Cloud instance, you will be able to configure compatible data sources to route requests through the SSH tunnel. Each data source is configured using the internal DNS name (for example, mysql.your.domain:3306), as if Grafana were running directly inside the private network.
You can restrict the destinations reachable by Grafana Cloud over this tunnel using the PermitRemoteOpen SSH option. For example, you can restrict the agent to permit access to only certain hostnames, ports or IP addresses.
You can route each session transparently and securely to the correct connection without having to deal with CIDR ranges.
Routing requests through PDC has a negligible effect on query time. PDC only increases request time by tens of milliseconds on average.