This is documentation for the next version of K6. For the latest stable release, go to the latest version.
updates a secret’s value in AWS’ secrets manager.
Parameter | Type | Description |
secretID | string | The ARN or name of the secret to update. |
secretString | string | The text data to encrypt and store in this new version of the secret. We recommend you use a JSON structure of key/value pairs for your secret value. |
versionID (optional) | string | Optional unique version identifier for the updated version of the secret. If no versionID is provided, an auto-generated UUID will be used instead. |
tags (optional) | Array<{“key”: “value”},> | A list of tags to attach to the secret. Each tag is a key and value pair of strings in a JSON text string |
Type | Description |
Promise<Secret> | A Promise that fulfills with the updated Secret. |
import exec from 'k6/execution';
import {
} from '';
const awsConfig = new AWSConfig({
region: __ENV.AWS_REGION,
const secretsManager = new SecretsManagerClient(awsConfig);
const testSecretName = 'jslib-test-secret';
const testSecretValue = 'jslib-test-value';
export default async function () {
// Let's make sure our test secret is created
const testSecret = await secretsManager.createSecret(
'this is a test secret, delete me.'
// Now that we know the secret exist, let's update its value
const newTestSecretValue = 'new-test-value';
const u = await secretsManager.putSecretValue(testSecretName, newTestSecretValue);
// Let's get its value back and verify it was indeed updated
const updatedSecret = await secretsManager.getSecret(testSecretName);
if (updatedSecret.secret !== newTestSecretValue) {
exec.test.abort('unable to update test secret');
A k6 script that will update a secret’s value in AWS secrets manager