
Important: This documentation is about an older version. It's relevant only to the release noted, many of the features and functions have been updated or replaced. Please view the current version.

Documentationbreadcrumb arrow Grafana documentationbreadcrumb arrow Release notesbreadcrumb arrow Release notes for Grafana 7.5.0-beta1
Enterprise Open source

Release notes for Grafana 7.5.0-beta1

Features and enhancements

Bug fixes

  • Alerting: Ensure Discord notification is sent when metric name is absent. #31257, @LeviHarrison
  • Alerting: Fix case when Alertmanager notifier fails if a URL is not working. #31079, @kurokochin
  • CloudMonitoring: Prevent resource type variable function from crashing. #30901, @sunker
  • Color: Fix issue where colors are reset to gray when switching panels. #31611, @torkelo
  • Explore: Show ANSI colored logs in logs context. #31510, @ivanahuckova
  • Explore: keep enabled/disabled state in angular based QueryEditors correctly. #31558, @gabor
  • Graph: Fix tooltip not being displayed when close to edge of viewport. #31493, @msober
  • Heatmap: Fix missing value in legend. #31430, @kurokochin
  • InfluxDB: Handle columns named “table”. #30985, @gabor
  • Prometheus: Use configured HTTP method for /series and /labels endpoints. #31401, @ivanahuckova
  • RefreshPicker: Make valid intervals in url visible in RefreshPicker. #30474, @hugohaggmark
  • TimeSeriesPanel: Fix overlapping time axis ticks. #31332, @torkelo
  • TraceViewer: Fix show log marker in spanbar. #30742, @zoltanbedi

Plugin development fixes & changes

  • Plugins: Add autoEnabled plugin JSON field to auto enable App plugins and add configuration link to menu by default. #31354, @torkelo
  • Pagination: Improve pagination for large number of pages. #30151, @nathanrodman