addLogLevelToSeries(series, lineIndex) | |
applyFieldOverrides(options) | Return a copy of the DataFrame with all rules applied |
applyRawFieldOverrides(data) | Return a copy of the DataFrame with raw data |
arrowTableToDataFrame(table) | |
base64StringToArrowTable(text) | |
buildColorsMapForTheme(theme) | |
calculateFieldStats(rows, extractor) | |
calculateLogsLabelStats(rows, label) | |
calculateStats(values) | |
doStandardCalcs(field, ignoreNulls, nullAsZero) | |
eventFactory(name) | |
findCommonLabels(labelsSets) | Returns a map labels that are common to the given label sets. |
findHighlightChunksInText({ searchWords, textToHighlight, }) | Adapt findMatchesInText for react-highlight-words findChunks handler. See |
findMatchesInText(haystack, needle) | Returns a list of substring regexp matches. |
findUniqueLabels(labels, commonLabels) | Returns a map of labels that are in labels , but not in commonLabels . |
formatLabels(labels, defaultValue, withoutBraces) | Serializes the given labels to a string. |
formattedValueToString(val) | |
getActiveThreshold(value, thresholds) | |
getColorDefinitionByName(name) | |
getColorForTheme(color, theme) | |
getColorFromHexRgbOrName(color, type) | |
getDataFrameRow(data, row) | Wrapper to get an array from each field value |
getDecimalsForValue(value, decimalOverride) | |
getDisplayProcessor(options) | |
getDisplayValueAlignmentFactors(values) | |
getFieldColorMode(mode) | |
getFieldColorModeForField(field) | |
getFieldDisplayName(field, frame, allFrames) | |
getFieldMatcher(config) | |
getFlotPairs({ xField, yField, nullValueMode }) | |
getFlotPairsConstant(seriesData, range) | Returns a constant series based on the first value from the provide series. |
getFrameDisplayName(frame, index) | Get an appropriate display title |
getFrameMatchers(config) | |
getLogLevel(line) | Returns the log level of a log line. Parse the line for level words. If no level is found, it returns LogLevel.unknown .Example: getLogLevel(‘WARN 1999-12-31 this is great’) // LogLevel.warn |
getLogLevelFromKey(key) | |
getParser(line) | |
getRawDisplayProcessor() | |
getScaleCalculator(field, theme) | |
getValueFormat(id) | |
getValueFormats() | |
getValueFormatterIndex() | |
grafanaDataFrameToArrowTable(data, keepOriginalNames) | |
guessFieldTypeForField(field) | Looks at the data to guess the column type. This ignores any existing setting |
guessFieldTypeFromNameAndValue(name, v) | Given a name and value, this will pick a reasonable field type |
guessFieldTypeFromValue(v) | Given a value this will guess the best column typeTODO: better Date/Time support! Look for standard date strings? |
hasLinks(field) | |
isLiveChannelJoinEvent(evt) | |
isLiveChannelLeaveEvent(evt) | |
isLiveChannelMessageEvent(evt) | |
isLiveChannelStatusEvent(evt) | |
isValidLiveChannelAddress(addr) | Check if the address has a scope, namespace, and path |
locale(value, decimals) | |
localTimeFormat(options, locale, fallback) | localTimeFormat helps to generate date formats for momentjs based on browser’s locale |
mapInternalLinkToExplore(link, scopedVars, range, field, options) | |
matchAllLabels(expect, against) | Check that all labels exist in another set of labels |
parseFlags(text) | Converts any mode modifiers in the text to the Javascript equivalent flag |
parseLabels(labels) | Returns a map of label keys to value from an input selector string.Example: parseLabels(’{job="foo", instance="bar"}) // {job: "foo", instance: "bar"} |
readCSV(csv, options) | |
reduceField(options) | |
renderMarkdown(str) | |
reverseDataFrame(data) | Returns a copy with all values reversed |
scaledUnits(factor, extArray) | |
setMarkdownOptions(optionsOverride) | |
simpleCountUnit(symbol) | |
sortDataFrame(data, sortIndex, reverse) | |
sortThresholds(thresholds) | Sorts the thresholds |
stringFormater(value) | |
stringStartsAsRegEx(str) | |
stringToJsRegex(str) | |
stringToMs(str) | |
toCSV(data, config) | |
toDataFrame(data) | Inspect any object and return the results as a DataFrame |
toDataFrameDTO(data) | Returns a copy that does not include functions |
toFixed(value, decimals) | |
toFixedScaled(value, decimals, scaledDecimals, additionalDecimals, ext) | |
toFixedUnit(unit, asPrefix) | |
toFloatOrUndefined(value) | |
toIntegerOrUndefined(value) | |
toNumberString(value) | |
transformDataFrame(options, data) | Apply configured transformations to the input data |
updateDatasourcePluginOption(props, key, val) | |
validateFieldConfig(config) | This checks that all options on FieldConfig make sense. It mutates any value that needs fixed. In particular this makes sure that the first threshold value is -Infinity (not valid in JSON) |
vectorator(vector) | Use functional programming with your vector |