Important: This documentation is about an older version. It's relevant only to the release noted, many of the features and functions have been updated or replaced. Please view the current version.
Trace structure
Traces are telemetry data structured as trees. Traces are made of spans (for example, a span tree); there is a root span that can have zero to multiple branches that are called child spans. Each child span can itself be a parent span of one or multiple child spans, and so on so forth.
In the specific context of Tempo and TraceQL query language, a span has the following associated fields:
- name: the span name
- duration: difference between the end time and start time of the span
- status: enum:
{ok, error, unset}
. For details, refer to OTel span status documentation. - kind: enum:
{server, client, producer, consumer, internal, unspecified}
. For more details, refer to OTel span kind documentation. - Attributes
The first four properties are intrinsics. They are fundamental to the span.
Attributes are custom span metadata in the form of key-value pairs. There are four types of attributes: span attributes, resource attributes, event attributes, and link attributes.
Span attributes are key-value pairs that contain metadata that you can use to annotate a span to carry information about the operation it’s tracking. For example, in an eCommerce application, if a span tracks an operation that adds an item to a user’s shopping cart, the user ID, added item ID and cart ID can be captured and attached to the span as span attributes.
A resource attribute represents information about an entity producing the span. For example, a span created by a process running in a container deployed by Kubernetes could link a resource that specifies the cluster name, namespace, pod, and container name. Resource attributes are resource-related metadata (key-value pairs) that are describing the Resource.
An event attribute represents a unique point in the time during the span’s duration. For more information, refer to All about span events and Span events in the OTEL documentation.
A link attribute lets you query link data in a span. A span link associates one span with one or more other spans that are a casual relationship. For more information on span links, refer to the Span Links documentation in the Open Telemetry project.
The OpenTelemetry specification defines Semantic Attributes for Spans and for Resources. Semantic Span Attributes are a set of naming schemes for attributes shared across languages, frameworks, and runtimes. For more details, refer to Trace Semantic Conventions and Resource Semantic Conventions.