
Important: This documentation is about an older version. It's relevant only to the release noted, many of the features and functions have been updated or replaced. Please view the current version.

Grafana Cloud Enterprise Open source

Upload a JSON trace file

You can upload a JSON file that contains a single trace and visualize it. If the file has multiple traces, Grafana visualizes the first trace.

To download a trace or Service Graph through the inspector:

  1. Open the inspector.
  2. Navigate to the Data tab.
  3. Click Download traces or Download Service Graph.

Trace JSON example

  "batches": [
      "resource": {
        "attributes": [
          { "key": "", "value": { "stringValue": "db" } },
          { "key": "job", "value": { "stringValue": "tns/db" } },
          { "key": "opencensus.exporterversion", "value": { "stringValue": "Jaeger-Go-2.22.1" } },
          { "key": "", "value": { "stringValue": "63d16772b4a2" } },
          { "key": "ip", "value": { "stringValue": "" } },
          { "key": "client-uuid", "value": { "stringValue": "39fb01637a579639" } }
      "instrumentationLibrarySpans": [
          "instrumentationLibrary": {},
          "spans": [
              "traceId": "AAAAAAAAAABguiq7RPE+rg==",
              "spanId": "cmteMBAvwNA=",
              "parentSpanId": "OY8PIaPbma4=",
              "name": "HTTP GET - root",
              "kind": "SPAN_KIND_SERVER",
              "startTimeUnixNano": "1627471657255809000",
              "endTimeUnixNano": "1627471657256268000",
              "attributes": [
                { "key": "http.status_code", "value": { "intValue": "200" } },
                { "key": "http.method", "value": { "stringValue": "GET" } },
                { "key": "http.url", "value": { "stringValue": "/" } },
                { "key": "component", "value": { "stringValue": "net/http" } }
              "status": {}