
Important: This documentation is about an older version. It's relevant only to the release noted, many of the features and functions have been updated or replaced. Please view the current version.

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Enable alerting high availability

You can enable alerting high availability support by updating the Grafana configuration file. If you run Grafana in a Kubernetes cluster, additional steps are required. Both options are described below. Please note that the deduplication is done for the notification, but the alert will still be evaluated on every Grafana instance. This means that events in alerting state history will be duplicated by the number of Grafana instances running.

Enable alerting high availability in Grafana

Before you begin

Since gossiping of notifications and silences uses both TCP and UDP port 9094, ensure that each Grafana instance is able to accept incoming connections on these ports.

To enable high availability support:

  1. In your custom configuration file ($WORKING_DIR/conf/custom.ini), go to the [unified_alerting] section.
  2. Set [ha_peers] to the number of hosts for each Grafana instance in the cluster (using a format of host:port), for example, ha_peers=,, You must have at least one (1) Grafana instance added to the ha_peers section.
  3. Set [ha_listen_address] to the instance IP address using a format of host:port (or the Pod’s IP in the case of using Kubernetes). By default, it is set to listen to all interfaces (
  4. Set [ha_peer_timeout] in the [unified_alerting] section of the custom.ini to specify the time to wait for an instance to send a notification via the Alertmanager. The default value is 15s, but it may increase if Grafana servers are located in different geographic regions or if the network latency between them is high

Enable alerting high availability using Kubernetes

If you are using Kubernetes, you can expose the pod IP through an environment variable via the container definition.

  - name: POD_IP
        fieldPath: status.podIP
  1. Add the port 9094 to the Grafana deployment:
  - containerPort: 3000
    name: http-grafana
    protocol: TCP
  - containerPort: 9094
    name: grafana-alert
    protocol: TCP
  1. Add the environment variables to the Grafana deployment:
  - name: POD_IP
        fieldPath: status.podIP
  1. Create a headless service that returns the pod IP instead of the service IP, which is what the ha_peers need:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: grafana-alerting
  namespace: grafana
  labels: grafana-alerting grafana
  type: ClusterIP
  clusterIP: 'None'
    - port: 9094
    app: grafana
  1. Make sure your grafana deployment has the label matching the selector, e.g. app:grafana:

  2. Add in the grafana.ini:

enabled = true
ha_listen_address = "${POD_IP}:9094"
ha_peers = "grafana-alerting.grafana:9094"
ha_advertise_address = "${POD_IP}:9094"
ha_peer_timeout = 15s