
This is documentation for the next version of Grafana. For the latest stable release, go to the latest version.

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Configure roles and permissions

A user is any individual who can log in to Grafana. Each user is associated with a role that includes permissions. Permissions determine the tasks a user can perform in the system. For example, the Admin role includes permissions for an administrator to create and delete users.

For more information, refer to Organization roles.

Manage access using roles

For Grafana OSS, there are three roles: Admin, Editor, and Viewer.

Details of the roles and the access they provide for Grafana Alerting are below.

AdminWrite access to alert rules, notification resources (notification API, contact points, templates, time intervals, notification policies, and silences), and provisioning.
EditorWrite access to alert rules, notification resources (notification API, contact points, templates, time intervals, notification policies, and silences), and provisioning.
ViewerRead access to alert rules, notification resources (notification API, contact points, templates, time intervals, notification policies, and silences).

Assign roles

To assign roles, admins need to complete the following steps.

  1. Navigate to Administration > Users and access > Users, Teams, or Service Accounts.
  2. Search for the user, team or service account you want to add a role for.
  3. Add the role you want to assign.

Manage access using folder permissions

You can extend the access provided by a role to alert rules and rule-specific silences by assigning permissions to individual folders.

This allows different users, teams, or service accounts to have customized access to modify or silence alert rules in specific folders.

Refer to the following table for details on the additional access provided by folder permissions:

Folder permissionAdditional Access
ViewNo additional access: all permissions already contained in Viewer role.
EditWrite access to alert rules and their rule-specific silences only in the given folder and subfolders.
AdminSame additional access as Edit.


You can’t use folders to customize access to notification resources.

To manage folder permissions, complete the following steps.

  1. In the left-side menu, click Dashboards.
  2. Hover your mouse cursor over a folder and click Go to folder.
  3. Click Manage permissions from the Folder actions menu.
  4. Update or add permissions as required.