
This is documentation for the next version of Grafana. For the latest stable release, go to the latest version.

Grafana Cloud Enterprise Open source

Configure Amazon SNS notifications

Use the Amazon SNS integration in a contact point to send alert notifications to a SNS topic. Then, configure the SNS topic to forward notifications to distinct subscriber channels used in your SNS account.

Before you begin

Before you begin, ensure you have the following:

  • AWS SNS Topic: An SNS topic to send notifications to.
  • AWS IAM Identity with necessary access: An IAM identity (e.g. user, role) with the necessary permissions to publish messages to the SNS topic.

For a minimal setup, refer to Example using an Access Key.

Configure Amazon SNS for a contact point

To create a contact point with a SNS integration, complete the following steps.

  1. Navigate to Alerts & IRM -> Alerting -> Contact points.
  2. Click + Add contact point.
  3. Enter a name for the contact point.
  4. From the Integration list, select AWS SNS.
  5. Set up the required settings for your SNS configuration.
  6. Click Save contact point.

For more details on contact points, including how to test them and enable notifications, refer to Configure contact points.

SNS Settings

  • The Amazon SNS API URL: (Optional) The SNS API URL, e.g., If not specified, the SNS API URL from the SNS SDK will be used.
  • Signature Version (sigv4): Configures AWS’s Signature Verification 4 signing process to sign requests.
    • Region: (Optional) The AWS region. If blank, the region from the default credentials chain is used.
    • Access Key : (Optional) The AWS API access key.
    • Secret Key: (Optional) The AWS API secret key.

      Both Access Key and Secret Key must be provided together or left blank together.

      If left blank, Grafana searches for credentials using the default credentials chain, including environment variables (AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY), the shared credential file, and EC2 instance roles.

    • Profile: (Optional) Named AWS profile used to authenticate.
    • Role ARN: (Optional) The ARN of an AWS IAM role to assume for authentication, serving as an alternative to using AWS API keys.
  • SNS topic ARN: (Optional) If you don’t specify this value, you must specify a value for the Phone number or Target ARN. If you are using a FIFO SNS topic you should set a message group interval longer than 5 minutes to prevent messages with the same group key being deduplicated by the SNS default deduplication window.
  • Phone number: (Optional) Phone number if message is delivered via SMS in E.164 format. If you don’t specify this value, you must specify a value for the SNS topic ARN or Target ARN.
  • Target ARN: (Optional) The mobile platform endpoint ARN if message is delivered via mobile notifications. If you don’t specify this value, you must specify a value for the SNS topic ARN or Phone number.
  • Subject: (Optional) Customize the subject. This field supports notification templates and, by default, uses the default title template (default.title). It cannot be an empty string.
  • Message: (Optional) Customize the message. This field supports notification templates and, by default, uses the default message template (default.message).
  • Attributes: (Optional) Add any SNS message attributes.

Example using an Access Key

This section outlines a minimal setup to configure Amazon SNS with Alerting.

1. Create an SNS Topic and Email Subscriber

  1. Navigate to SNS in AWS Console:

  2. Create a new topic:

    • On the Topics page, choose “Create topic”.
    • Select “Standard” as the type.
    • Enter a Name for your topic, e.g., My-Topic.
    • Encryption: Leave disabled for this minimal setup.
    • Click “Create topic”.
  3. (Optional) Add an email subscriber to help test:

    • Within your newly created topic, click on “Create subscription”.
    • Protocol: Choose Email.
    • Endpoint: Enter your email address to receive test notifications.
    • Click “Create subscription”.
    • Confirm Subscription: Check your email and confirm the subscription by clicking the provided link.

2. Create an IAM Policy, User, and Access Key

  1. Navigate to IAM in AWS Console:

  2. Create a new policy:

    • On the Policies page, choose “Create policy”.

    • Switch to the “JSON” tab and paste the following policy, replacing Resource with your SNS topic ARN:

        "Version": "2012-10-17",
        "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": ["sns:Publish", "sns:GetTopicAttributes"],
            "Resource": "arn:aws:sns:<region>:<account_id>:<topic_name>"
    • Click “Next”, name it (e.g., SNSPublishPolicy), and click “Create policy”.

  3. Create a new IAM user and assign the policy

    • In the IAM Console, on the Users page, choose “Create user”.
    • Enter a User name, e.g., alerting-sns-user.
    • Click “Next”.
    • In Set permissions, select “Attach policies directly”.
    • Search for the policy you created earlier (SNSPublishPolicy) and select it.
    • Click “Next” , and click “Create user”.
  4. Create an Access Key:

    • Within your newly created user, click on “Create access key”.
    • Select an appropriate use-case, e.g., Application running outside AWS.
    • Click “Next” , and click “Create access key”.
    • Save Credentials: Note the Access key ID and Secret access key that are required in the next step.

3. Configure the SNS Contact Point in Grafana

Follow the steps in configure Amazon SNS for a contact point, using the settings below and replacing the placeholders with the SNS and IAM values created in the previous steps.

  • The Amazon SNS API URL: https://sns.<region>
  • Signature Version (sigv4):
    • Region: <region>
    • Access Key: <YOUR_ACCESS_KEY>.
    • Secret Key: <YOUR_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY>
  • SNS topic ARN: arn:aws:sns:<region>:<account_id>:<topic_name>

Test the contact point to ensure it’s working, or enable notifications for it.

Additional Resources