Grafana Cloud

React server side rendering support

Follow this guide to learn how to initialize your Faro instrumentation to support React Server Side Rendering (SSR) for:

  • React Router v6 without a data router
  • React Router v6 with a data router
  • React Router v5

React Router v6 without a data router

import { FaroErrorBoundary, setReactRouterV6SSRDependencies } from '@grafana/faro-react';
setReactRouterV6SSRDependencies({ Routes });

export function renderToString(...) {
  return reactRenderToString(
      <StaticRouter location={...}>
        <App />

React Router v6 with a data router

Wrap your data router with withFaroRouterInstrumentation(dataRouter) in your routes file.

// example

React Router v5

import { FaroErrorBoundary, setReactRouterV4V5SSRDependencies } from '@grafana/faro-react';
setReactRouterV4V5SSRDependencies({ Route, history });

export function renderToString(...) {
  return reactRenderToString(
      <StaticRouter location={...}>
        <App />