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Service Center Backstage integration

During public preview, users of Backstage can do a one-time import of their Backstage catalog to populate Service Center data in Grafana Cloud.

This integration allows you to import your defined services and correlate to resources in Grafana IRM and SLO. Future updates will include the ability to actively sync to your Backstage catalog.

Quick Start Guide

Follow the quick start guide to test this plugin with a new Backstage install. The instructions should carry over to your production install.

Install a new backstage instance

To create a backstage instance and install this plugin for local development, run the following:

> BACKSTAGE_APP_NAME=backstage-testing npx @backstage/create-app@latest
> cd backstage-testing
> git clone  plugins/catalog-backend-module-grafana-servicemodel
> sed -i 's/"name": "@grafana\/catalog-backend-module-grafana-servicemodel",/"name": "@internal\/catalog-backend-module-grafana-servicemodel",/' plugins/catalog-backend-module-grafana-servicemodel/package.json

> yarn --cwd packages/backend add @internal/catalog-backend-module-grafana-servicemodel

add this line to packages/backend/src/index.ts:


Then to run:

> LOG_LEVEL=debug yarn dev

If you want to run against the k8s cluster in your default context:

> LOG_LEVEL=debug DEV_MODE=true yarn dev