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Integrations in Grafana IRM

Grafana IRM integrates with your monitoring, communication, and collaboration tools to help teams manage alerts and incidents effectively. The integration system consists of two distinct types: OnCall integrations for alert management and Incident integrations for coordinating response workflows.

Integration types

OnCall and Incident integrations are functionally distinct, each serving different purposes and requiring separate configurations:

OnCall integrations

OnCall integrations handle alert ingestion and routing:

  • Receive alerts from monitoring systems via webhooks or email
  • Process and group related alerts
  • Route alerts to appropriate teams based on configurable criteria
  • Manage escalations and notifications
  • Customize alert behavior and routing using templates

Key OnCall integration concepts

  • Routes: Define how alerts are matched to escalation chains (learn more about alert routing)
  • Templates: Control alert grouping, appearance, and behavior (see alert templates)
  • Escalation chains: Specify notification sequences and timing (configure escalation chains)
  • Messaging apps: Enable alert visibility in communication platforms like Slack

How alerts flow through OnCall integrations

  1. Alert reception: Alerts is sent to IRM via integration endpoints (HTTP/webhook or email)
  2. Alert processing: The system applies configured templates to parse and format alert data
  3. Alert routing: Alerts are matched to routes based on routing templates
  4. Alert grouping: Related alerts are grouped using grouping templates
  5. Escalation: Alerts follow defined escalation chains
  6. Notification: The system notifies responders through configured notification rules
  7. Response: Teams can acknowledge, resolve, or silence alert groups.

Incident integrations

Incident integrations automate incident response workflows and help teams manage incidents efficiently:

  • Connect with communication tools like Slack and Microsoft Teams to create dedicated incident channels
  • Integrate with collaboration platforms to generate and maintain incident documentation
  • Automatically notify stakeholders and track incident status
  • Streamline post-incident review processes

How incident integrations work

  1. Integration setup: Configure available actions in your integration.
  2. Incident declaration: When an incident is declared, integrations can automatically:
    • Create dedicated communication channels
    • Create a meeting for responders to collaborate
    • Generate incident documentation from templates
    • Notify relevant stakeholders
  3. During the incident: Integrations help teams by:
    • Maintaining synchronized incident status across platforms
    • Capturing key incident details and timeline
    • Facilitating collaboration between responders
  4. Post-incident: Support the review process with:
    • Automated collection of incident timeline and actions
    • Generation of post-incident review summary
    • Tracking follow-up tasks and action items

Available integrations

Grafana IRM supports integration with:

  • Monitoring systems (Grafana Alerting, Prometheus, Datadog)
  • Messaging apps (Slack, Microsoft Teams)
  • Collaboration tools (Google Workspace, Zoom)
  • Issue tracking systems (Jira, GitHub)

For a full list of integrations, refer to Integration references.

Webhook support

For custom integration needs, Grafana IRM provides webhook capabilities:

  • Incoming webhooks: Receive external system events
  • Outgoing webhooks: Send notifications and trigger external actions

To learn more about Webhooks, refer to the Webhooks documentation.

Next steps

To get started with integrations: