
This is documentation for the next version of Alloy. For the latest stable release, go to the latest version.

Public preview


Public preview: This is a public preview component. Public preview components are subject to breaking changes, and may be replaced with equivalent functionality that cover the same use case. The stability.level flag must be set to public-preview or below to use the component.

pyroscope.receive_http receives profiles over HTTP and forwards them to pyroscope.* components capable of receiving profiles.

The HTTP API exposed is compatible with both the Pyroscope HTTP ingest API and the pushv1.PusherService Connect API. This allows pyroscope.receive_http to act as a proxy for Pyroscope profiles, enabling flexible routing and distribution of profile data.


pyroscope.receive_http "<LABEL>" {
  http {
    listen_address = "<LISTEN_ADDRESS>"
    listen_port = "<PORT>"
  forward_to = <RECEIVER_LIST>

The component starts an HTTP server supporting the following endpoint.

  • POST /ingest - send profiles to the component, which is forwarded to the receivers as configured in the forward_to argument. The request format must match the format of the Pyroscope ingest API.
  • POST /push.v1.PusherService/Push - send profiles to the component, which is forwarded to the receivers as configured in the forward_to argument. The request format must match the format of the Pyroscope pushv1.PusherService Connect API.


You can use the following arguments with pyroscope.receive_http:

forward_tolist(ProfilesReceiver)List of receivers to send profiles to.yes


You can use the following blocks pyroscope.receive_http:

httpConfigures the HTTP server that receives


The http block configures the HTTP server.

You can use the following arguments to configure the http block. Any omitted fields take their default values.

conn_limitintMaximum number of simultaneous HTTP connections. Defaults to 100.0no
listen_addressstringNetwork address on which the server listens for new connections. Defaults to accepting all incoming connections.""no
listen_portintPort number on which the server listens for new connections.8080no
server_idle_timeoutdurationIdle timeout for the HTTP server."120s"no
server_read_timeoutdurationRead timeout for the HTTP server."30s"no
server_write_timeoutdurationWrite timeout for the HTTP server."30s"no

Exported fields

pyroscope.receive_http doesn’t export any fields.

Component health

pyroscope.receive_http is reported as unhealthy if it’s given an invalid configuration.


This example creates a pyroscope.receive_http component, which starts an HTTP server listening on and port 9999. The server receives profiles and forwards them to multiple pyroscope.write components, which write these profiles to different HTTP endpoints.

// Receives profiles over HTTP
pyroscope.receive_http "default" {
  http {
    listen_address = ""
    listen_port = 9999
  forward_to = [pyroscope.write.staging.receiver, pyroscope.write.production.receiver]

// Send profiles to a staging Pyroscope instance
pyroscope.write "staging" {
  endpoint {
    url = "http://pyroscope-staging:4040"

// Send profiles to a production Pyroscope instance
pyroscope.write "production" {
  endpoint {
    url = "http://pyroscope-production:4040"


This example demonstrates forwarding to multiple pyroscope.write components. This configuration duplicates the received profiles and send a copy to each configured pyroscope.write component.

You can also create multiple pyroscope.receive_http components with different configurations to listen on different addresses or ports as needed. This flexibility allows you to design a setup that best fits your infrastructure and profile routing requirements.

Compatible components

pyroscope.receive_http can accept arguments from the following components:


Connecting some components may not be sensible or components may require further configuration to make the connection work correctly. Refer to the linked documentation for more details.