

Grafana Alloy is the new name for our distribution of the OTel collector. Grafana Agent has been deprecated and is in Long-Term Support (LTS) through October 31, 2025. Grafana Agent will reach an End-of-Life (EOL) on November 1, 2025. Read more about why we recommend migrating to Grafana Alloy.

Important: This documentation is about an older version. It's relevant only to the release noted, many of the features and functions have been updated or replaced. Please view the current version.

Open source

app_agent_receiver_config next

The app_agent_receiver_config block configures the app_agent_receiver integration. This integration exposes a http endpoint that can receive telemetry from the Grafana Faro Web SDK and forward it to logs, traces or metrics backends.

These are the options you have for configuring the app_agent_receiver integration.

    # Enables autoscrape of integrations.
    [enable: <boolean> | default = true]

    # Specifies the metrics instance name to send metrics to. Instance
    # names are located at metrics.configs[].name from the top-level config.
    # The instance must exist.
    # As it is common to use the name "default" for your primary instance,
    # we assume the same here.
    [metrics_instance: <string> | default = "default"]

    # Autoscrape interval and timeout. Defaults are inherited from the global
    # section of the top-level metrics config.
    [scrape_interval: <duration> | default = <>]
    [scrape_timeout: <duration> | default = <>]

  # Integration instance name
  [instance: <string>]

  # Traces instance to send traces to. This assumes that you have a traces config with such instance defined
  [traces_instance: <string> | default = ""]

  # Logs instance to send logs and exceptions to. This assumes that you have a logs
  # config with the instance defined
  [logs_instance: <string> | default = ""]

  # Server config refers to the HTTP endpoint that the integration will be exposing
  # to receive data from.
    [host: <string> | default = ""]
    [port: <number> | default = 12347]

    # Domains in which the agent is sending data from. For example ""
      [- <string>]

    # Configure rate limiting. The HTTP server of the App observability implements
    # a token bucket rate limitng algorithm in which we can configure the maximum RPS
    # as well as the burstiness (peaks of RPS)
      [enabled: <boolean> | default = false]
      [rps: <number> | default = 100]
      [burstiness: <number> | default = 50]

    # If configured, incoming requests will be required to specify this key in "x-api-key" header
    [api_key: <string>]

    # Max allowed payload size in bytes for the JSON payload. Interanlly the
    # Content-Length header is used to make this check
    [max_allowed_payload_size: <number> | default = 0]

  # Labels to set for the log entry.
  # If value is specified, it will be used.
  # If value is empty and key exists in data, it's value will be used from data
    [- <key>: <string>]

  # Timeout duration when sending an entry to Loki, milliseconds
  [logs_send_timeout: <duration> | default = 2s]

  # Sourcemap configuration for enabling stack trace transformation to original source locations
  [sourcemaps: <sourcemap_config>]


# Whether agent should attempt to download compiled sources and source maps
[download: <boolean> | default = false]

# List of HTTP origins to download sourcemaps for
[download_origins: []<string> | default = ["*"]]

# Timeout for downloading compiled sources and sourcemaps
[download_timeout: <duration> | default = "1s"]

# Sourcemap locations on filesystem. Takes precedence over downloading if both methods are enabled
  [- <sourcemap_file_location>]


# Grafana Faro Web SDK will send filename in stacktrace, when any exception is being captured.
# That filename will be the source url. e.g.
# Source URL prefix. If a minified source URL matches this prefix,
# a filepath is constructed by removing the prefix, prepending path below and appending ".map".
# Example:
# minified_path_prefix = ""
# path = "/var/app/static/"
# Then given source url ""
# it will look for sourcemap at "/var/app/static/"

minified_path_prefix: <string>

# Directory on file system that contains source maps.
# See above for more detailed explanation.
# It is parsed as a Go template. You can use "{{.Release }}" which will be replaced with
# app.release meta property.
path: <string>