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Migrate plugins from Grafana version 8.x to 9.x

Follow these instructions to migrate plugins from version 8.x to 9.x.

9.0 breaking changes​

The following breaking changes are introduced in version 9.0 of Grafana.

theme.visualization.getColorByName replaces getColorForTheme​

The getColorForTheme was removed, so you should use theme.visualization.getColorByName instead.


// before
fillColor: getColorForTheme(panel.sparkline.fillColor, config.theme)

// after
fillColor: config.theme.visualization.getColorByName(panel.sparkline.fillColor),

VizTextDisplayOptions replaces TextDisplayOptions​

The TextDisplayOptions was removed, so you should use VizTextDisplayOptions instead.


// before
interface Options {
text?: TextDisplayOptions;

// after
interface Options {
text?: VizTextDisplayOptions;

Changes in the internal of backendSrv.fetch()​

We have changed the internals of backendSrv.fetch() to throw an error when the response is an incorrect JSON. Make sure to handle possible errors on the callsite where using backendSrv.fetch() (or any other backendSrv methods).

// PREVIOUSLY: this was returning with an empty object {} - in case the response is an invalid JSON
return await getBackendSrv().post(`${API_ROOT}/${id}/install`);

// AFTER THIS CHANGE: the following will throw an error - in case the response is an invalid JSON
return await getBackendSrv().post(`${API_ROOT}/${id}/install`);

GrafanaTheme2 and useStyles2 replaces getFormStyles​

We have removed the deprecated getFormStyles function from grafana-ui. Use GrafanaTheme2 and the useStyles2 hook instead.

/api/ds/query replaces /api/tsdb/query​

We have removed the deprecated /api/tsdb/query metrics endpoint. Use /api/ds/query instead.

selectOptionInTest has been removed​

The @grafana/ui package helper function selectOptionInTest used in frontend tests has been removed because it caused testing libraries to be bundled in the production code of Grafana. If you were using this helper function in your tests, then update your code accordingly:

// before
import { selectOptionInTest } from '@grafana/ui';
// ...test usage
await selectOptionInTest(selectEl, 'Option 2');

// after
import { select } from 'react-select-event';
// ...test usage
await select(selectEl, 'Option 2', { container: document.body });

Toolkit 9 and webpack​

Plugins using custom Webpack configs could potentially break due to the changes between webpack@4 and webpack@5. Please refer to the official webpack migration guide for assistance.

Webpack 5 does not include polyfills for node.js core modules by default (for example, buffer, stream, os). This can result in failed builds for plugins. If polyfills are required, then it is recommended to create a custom webpack config in the root of the plugin repo and add the required fallbacks:

// webpack.config.js

module.exports.getWebpackConfig = (config, options) => ({
resolve: {
fallback: {
os: require.resolve('os-browserify/browser'),
stream: require.resolve('stream-browserify'),
timers: require.resolve('timers-browserify'),

Please refer to the webpack build error messages or the official migration guide for assistance with fallbacks.