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Select UI elements

This guide explains the role of selectors in Grafana end-to-end testing and how to use them to safely interact with UI elements across multiple versions of Grafana.

Grafana end-to-end selectors​

Since Grafana 7.0.0, end-to-end tests in Grafana have relied on selectors defined in the @grafana/e2e-selectors package to select elements in the Grafana UI.

Selecting Grafana UI elements can be challenging because the selector may be defined on either the aria-label attribute or the data-testid attribute. In the beginning, the selectors used the aria-label attribute, but now most selectors have been migrated to use the data-testid attribute instead.

Playwright locator for Grafana UI elements​

All pages defined by @grafana/plugin-e2e expose a getByGrafanaSelector method. This method returns a Playwright locator that resolves to one or more elements, using the appropriate HTML attribute as defined on the element. Whenever you want to resolve a Playwright locator based on a grafana/e2e-selectors, you should always use this method.


The selectors fixture​

Selectors defined in the @grafana/e2e-selectors package are tied to a specific Grafana version. This means that the selectors can change from one version to another, making it hard to use the selectors defined in @grafana/e2e-selectors when writing tests that target multiple versions of Grafana.

To overcome this issue, @grafana/plugin-e2e has its own copy of end-to-end selectors. These selectors are a subset of the selectors defined in @grafana/e2e-selectors, and each selector value has defined a minimum Grafana version. When you start a new end-to-end test session, @grafana/plugin-e2e checks what version of Grafana is under test and resolves the selectors that are associated with the running version. The selectors are provided through the selectors fixture.

import { test, expect } from '@grafana/plugin-e2e';

test('annotation query should be OK when query is valid', async ({ annotationEditPage, page, selectors }) => {
await annotationEditPage.datasource.set('E2E Test Data Source');
await annotationEditPage.getByGrafanaSelector(selectors.components.CodeEditor.container).fill('SELECT * FROM users');
await expect(annotationEditPage.runQuery()).toBeOK();

Interact with UI elements defined in the plugin code​

As stated above, you should always use the getByGrafanaSelector method when the UI element you want to interact with has an associated end-to-end selector. However, many Grafana UI elements don't have end-to-end selectors. If that's the case, we recommended following Grafana's best practices for testing and the testing with accessibility in mind guide when composing your UI and writing tests.

Scope locators​

To make your tests more robust, it's good to scoop locators to your plugin context. The following example may work, but it's brittle as it will no longer work if another element with the text URL is added to the page somewhere outside of your plugin.


There are many ways to scope selectors. You can wrap the component in a div with an data-testid and use the ID when accessing the element.


If you're testing a data source query editor, you can scope the locator to the the query editor row.


Form element examples​

Here are some examples demonstrating how to interact with a few UI components that are common in plugins. The InlineField and Field component can be used interchangeably.

Input field​

You can use the InlineField component to interact with the UI.

UI component
<InlineField label="Auth key">
<Input value={value} onChange={handleOnChange} id="config-auth-key" />
Playwright test
await page.getByRole('textbox', { name: 'Auth key' }).fill('..');

Select field​

Unlike many other components that require you to pass an id prop to be able to associate the label with the form element, the select component requires you to pass an inputId prop. You can find more information about testing the select component here.

UI component
<InlineField label="Auth type">
<Select inputId="config-auth-type" value={value} options={options} onChange={handleOnChange} />
Playwright test
test('testing select component', async ({ page, selectors }) => {
const configPage = await createDataSourceConfigPage({ type: 'test-datasource' });
await page.getByRole('combobox', { name: 'Auth type' }).click();
const option = selectors.components.Select.option;
await expect(configPage.getByGrafanaSelector(option)).toHaveText(['val1', 'val2']);

Checkbox field​

You can use the Checkbox component to interact with the UI.

UI componevnt
<InlineField label="TLS Enabled">
<Checkbox id="config-tls-enabled" value={value} onChange={handleOnChange} />

In the Checkbox component, the input element isn't clickable, so you need to bypass the Playwright actionability check by setting force: true.

Playwright test
await page.getByRole('checkbox', { name: 'TLS Enabled' }).uncheck({ force: true });
await expect(page.getByRole('checkbox', { name: 'TLS Enabled' })).not.toBeChecked();

InlineSwitch field​

You can use the InlineSwitch component to interact with the UI.

UI componevnt
<InlineField label="TLS Enabled">
// the InlineSwitch label needs to match the label of the InlineField
label="TLS Enabled"

Like in the Checkbox component, you need to bypass the Playwright actionability check by setting force: true.

Playwright test
let switchLocator = page.getByLabel('TLS Enabled');
await switchLocator.uncheck({ force: true });
await expect(switchLocator).not.toBeChecked();

In Grafana versions older than 9.3.0, the label can't be associated with the checkbox in the InlineSwitch component. If you want your tests to run in Grafana versions prior to 9.3.0, you need to access the field in the following way:

Playwright test
const label = 'Inline field with switch';
let switchLocator = page.getByLabel(label);
if (, '9.3.0')) {
switchLocator = page.locator(`[label="${label}"]`).locator('../label');