Meet the Grafana Labs team: Prometheus maintainer Ganesh Vernekar
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Meet Ganesh!
Name: Ganesh Vernekar

Software Engineer Ganesh Vernekar
Current location/time zone
I work from India, GMT+0530. To narrow it down, a town called Dharwad in Karnataka state.
What do you do at Grafana Labs?
I contribute to Prometheus and Cortex OSS as part of my job. Grafana Labs was very small, and I saw a big potential to grow exponentially straight out of college working with awesome folks. Also, it has heavily invested in Prometheus land. So it was a natural choice for me to join the team and continue my Prometheus journey. :)
What open source projects do you contribute to?
Prometheus and Cortex mostly, and Thanos sometimes. Recently I added m-mapping of head chunks in Prometheus. Following that, I am working on snapshotting head chunks on shutdown in Prometheus for faster restarts. I am also working on the new blocks storage in Cortex, which includes optimizing many things in upstream Prometheus. :)
What are your GitHub and Twitter handles?
codesome on GitHub and @_codesome on Twitter.
What do you like to do in your free time?
This is always changing. Photography experiments (old (when in high school), ~new, most proud), movies (lockdown boredom), some reading (not much of a reader, trying it out), “nothing,” researching about interesting topics, etc. And when I get a chance, travel. :)
What do you do to get “in the zone” when you work?
Loud music (not ear-tearing), especially EDMish.
What’s the best part of your job?
Everything? :) Awesome folks, open source, challenging problems, globally connected, super flexible timings.
What’s the last thing you binge-watched?
Re-watched all 8 Harry Potter movies very recently. :)