Meet the Grafana Labs team: Robert Fratto, a contributor to Loki, Cortex, and Prometheus
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Meet Robert!
Name: Robert Fratto

Software Engineer Robert Fratto
Current location/time zone
I’m based in Orlando! I’ve lived in Florida my whole life but I’m still not used to the heat, and I’m thinking it might be time for a change of location soon.
What do you do at Grafana Labs?
I’m on the backend engineering team at Grafana Labs working mostly recently on the Grafana Agent. I joined Grafana Labs partly because I was a fan of the software, but mostly because I wanted to work for a company that produced software for developers that I would use myself.
What open source projects do you contribute to?
My open source contributions have been Grafana-centric: You can find commits from me in Loki, Cortex, the Grafana Agent, and Prometheus. Most of my time lately has been spent re-using the Cortex ring to allow users to cluster instances of the Grafana Agent for horizontal scaling. It’s something I’m really excited about, and I should have more to share on that soon.
What are your GitHub and Twitter handles?
I’m @rfratto on Github and @robertfratto on Twitter.
What do you like to do in your free time?
My free time is usually split between working on side projects, playing video games, and reading. My big side project is a Twitch.TV clone (for fun, not profit :)), while I’ve been recently playing through the very good Final Fantasy VII: Remake and reading the Wheel of Time series.
What’s the best part of your job?
I really love the people I work with. This is the smartest bunch I’ve gotten to work with, and I’m thrilled that I get to learn from all of them every day.
What’s your favorite food?
My non-embarrassing answer is “pizza” but the more honest, and embarrassing, answer is Oreos. I really like Oreos.