Meet the Grafana Labs Team: Alexander Zobnin
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Meet Alex!
Name: Alexander Zobnin

Grafana Labs Fullstack Developer Alexander Zobnin
Current location/time zone: I’m located in St. Petersburg, Russia (Moscow timezone - UTC+3).
What do you do at Grafana Labs? I’m a fullstack developer with system administrator/monitoring engineer background. In Grafana I’m working on different tasks, but mostly on the frontend and plugins.
What open source projects do you contribute to? I’m the creator and maintainer of the Zabbix plugin for Grafana.
What are your GitHub and Twitter handles? alexanderzobnin at GitHub and @alexanderzobnin.
What do you like to do in your free time? In my free time I like to do some sport. I am passionate about mountain biking and running. I like to spend time with my family (wife and 7-year-old son) cycling around the parks near me. Also, I’m interested in photography – you can find some photos in my flickr account – and recently in video editing. During the cold evenings, I like to play my guitar through the tube amplifier (I used to play in a rock band and I’m missing that time). I also like to work with hardware, so you often can find me maintaining and fixing my bike.
What’s your favorite new gadget or tech toy? Maybe it’s not a gadget in the true sense but it’s definitely my new GoPro camera. I discovered a new world with this little thing. It’s a way to save impressions and exciting moments from your life.
Do you like to code in silence, with music or ambient noise on your headphones, or with people talking around you? In silence definitely.
Spaces or tabs? Spaces (2 spaces actually).