Check out the 20+ sessions covering Grafana 7, Prometheus, Loki, and much more.
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Opening keynote: Yesterday, today, and tomorrow | Raj Dutt, Torkel Ödegaard & Tom Wilkie
worldPing | Anthony Woods
Fillet your herrings using Grafana: an open source implementation for Industry 4.0 | René de Theije
Prometheus: what the future holds | Goutham Veeramachaneni
Strava: the Venn diagram of observability | David Worth
Grafana 7.0 | Torkel Ödegaard
Industrial process monitoring: oil and gas industry | Jeremy Blevens & Damien Clark
Nissan Leaf -> Cloud all the things | Ed Welch
Slicing Kubernetes: Raspberry Pis, Monitoring and Chaos | Jonan Scheffler
Tanka: Declarative Dashboards for Declarative Clusters | Malcolm Holmes
What's the bee-weather & how-to correct particulate-matter readings (in Grafana, of course) | Matthias Mehldau
Loki future | Ed Welch & Cyril Tovena
Powerful graph representations in Grafana | Julien Pivotto
Grafana plugins | Dominik Prokop
Chrome browsing data to Grafana — as you browse | Matti Paksula
Prometheus rate queries in Grafana | Beorn Rabenstein
How to get an organization to adopt a central telemetry solution | Stig Sorensen
What's new on Grafana Cloud Graphite and Metrictank | Dieter Plaetinck
Reducing wine waste with Grafana and machine learning | Rebecca Brooke & Jeffrey Hagen
Community and documentation | Diana Payton
The People and Business of Grafana Labs and Closing | Raj Dutt & Alice Farrell
Torkel Ödegaard
Creator of Grafana and co-founder and CGO at Grafana Labs
Tom Wilkie
VP of Product at Grafana Labs and co-creator of Cortex
Raj Dutt
Co-founder and CEO at Grafana Labs
Anthony Woods
Co-founder and CTO at Grafana Labs
Björn “Beorn” Rabenstein
Principal Software Engineer at Grafana Labs and Prometheus maintainer
Cyril Tovena
Senior Software Engineer at Grafana Labs and Loki maintainer
Dieter Plaetinck
Principal Software Engineer at Grafana Labs
Diana Payton
Senior Technical Writer at Grafana Labs
Dominik Prokop
Senior Software Engineer at Grafana Labs
Ed Welch
Senior Software Engineer at Grafana Labs and Loki maintainer
Goutham Veeramachaneni
Software Engineer at Grafana Labs and Prometheus and Cortex maintainer
Malcolm Holmes
Software Engineer at Grafana Labs
Alice Farrell
VP, People Ops at Grafana Labs
Damien Clark
SCADA Developer, Whiting Petroleum Corporation
David Worth
Engineering Manager, Strava
Jeremy Blevens
SCADA Supervisor, Whiting Petroleum Corporation
Jonan Scheffler
Developer Advocate, Funemployed
Julien Pivotto
Open Source Consultant, Inuits
Matti Paksula
CTO, supervisor.com
Matthias Mehldau
Data Artist, The Hiveeyes Project
Stig Sorensen
Manager, Production Visibility, Bloomberg
Rebecca Brooke
Team Leader, ML6
Jeffrey Hagen
Senior Machine Learning Engineer, ML6